Is ITVET right for you?

What kind of previous know-ledge/experience/interests do you need?

Potential students should have a general interest in education and training processes. You should be interested in topics in the field of TVET work, issues of TVET research, inter-national development cooperation, internationally oriented jobs in educational policymaking or adminstration.

Quick test- Is ITVET right for you?

1) What does TVET stand for?

a) Teaching veterans in entertainment & transition

b) Trends in vacations and exciting trecking

c) Technical and vocational education and training


2) What are the vital TVET topics for the next years?

a) Sustainable development, international mobility, permeability to higher education

b) Measurement and comparison of competencies

c) Improved school-to-work transition, holistic competency development


3) Why is TVET so important?

a) TVET is not important. Everybody should pursue acade-mic studies after school.

b) Much of our environment depends on skilled manual work. Every society needs young people who acquire occupational skills and competencies and become the master craftsmen of tomorrow.

c) Because not everybody should be admitted at a university.



1) c 2) a, b and c 3) b

 If you have at least two correct answers, you seem to have a good interest in TVET and ITVET is definitely right for you! If you have less correct answers, you will learn many new things and ITVET is also right for you!






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